I got linen bedding from piglet in bed this year & I'm so in love that I'm madly calculating how many sets of sheets I can reasonably justify. This green stripe makes me happy every time I climb in bed: https://us.pigletinbed.com/products/pine-green-stripe-linen-fitted-sheet

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Wow, I love the stripes!!! I have never heard of this brand. Thank you for sharing!

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The stripes!!! They're so cute, I love them

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definitely check them out: super soft and so nice, plus many colors.

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A game changer for me has been the terry cloth wristbands you use when you wash your face so you don't get water all over the place. No real brand name but this was a game changer for me. Also while staying on the low end of things, this back scratcher (affiliated) https://amzn.to/48KMuHs . Like I cannot go to bed or travel without it. I got them for my whole family. On the high end of things, Eden & Om sheets are expensive but TOTALLY WORTH IT.

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I did my own favorite things post!! <3


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which prana bag did you get used? was it the tessuto? would love to know your thoughts!!

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I don't have the exact style name but it's a tessuto shoulder bag! I've been loving it! Here's one that's similar: https://www.ebay.com/itm/354838956773?chn=ps&mkevt=1&mkcid=28

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