Shitters! The lull between Christmas and New Years is almost over, and as nice as it’s been, it’s definitely time to break out of my daily routine of couch rotting/ late 90’s-early 2000’s Bollywood movies/ nightly visits to the baklava tray (this is the most divine baklava I’ve ever tried—if I influence you to do anything in this life, it should be ordering some).

As is tradition around here, I couldn’t close out the year without one last banger of a find. Last year it was this life-changing toothbrush (currently on its 18th day sans charge and still going strong!). This year it’s a perfect pair of jeans. Tbh, both are essentials in my book.

I have a decent number of jeans in my closet—casual jeans, going out jeans, jeans that aren’t in style anymore but are so flattering that they’re worth keeping, jeans that are in style but aren’t really that flattering, jeans that mostly just take up space in my closet... you get the idea. But to be honest, up until now, there was really only one pair that I’d reach for to wear day to day—my trusty white Re/Done’s (they’re an older style, but still available here). You probably have your own version—a pair that’s easy and comfortable and fits right that you’ll default to without thinking. And that’s great! But wouldn’t it be even better to have another option you liked that much?! I know—easier said than done, but after a LOT of trial and error, I finally found mine.
If you’ve spent any time shopping for denim, you know that 9 times out of 10 the fit or size isn’t right, or if you’re shopping online, the wash looks different in person. And in the rare instance all of the above actually do work, I’ll still almost always need a trip to the tailor for a hem. Not this pair though! They were perfect right out of the package—the kind of jeans that didn’t need alterations to see the vision. That I could rip the tag off of and wear as is. That my mom stopped to compliment when she walked past me trying them on. A winner all around!
They’re the perfect daytime dark wash (as opposed to this kind, which I always consider dressier), a straight leg but still fitted (I love the popular baggy-straight styles on other people, but I have yet to find a pair that’s actually flattering on me), and somehow the length was just right too (I’m 5’5, for reference). They’re 100% cotton, which I prefer because they break in but don’t lose their shape. I took my true size.
What works for me in this department might not work for everybody, but this is definitely a pair worth trying if any of this sounds up your alley!
Other ideas for your Christmas cash: Hoping none of you buy this Santos because I want it desperately! I treated myself to a full year of Architectural Digest magazines for the price of a Friday night Uber? I’ve been way more consistent with my red light mask (a very rot-friendly activity) over the past couple months, and I’m definitely seeing improvements! PRIYANKACB always gets you a discount. This VB Lip Tint has been my low maintenance lip color of choice lately. These beautiful chunky cashmere mittens are currently en route to my apartment.
Also, ‘tis the season for some New Year’s rituals! Around this time of year I’ll usually journal about what I hope the new year brings and write out a few goals for myself, but this year I decided to take it a step further and actually make a vision board (I made mine on Pages, but an IRL collage would be fun too). I wasn’t sure if I’d connect with it as much as writing, but I really liked picking out visual representations of my goals/~manifestations~ (some of it was also just places I want to go and things I hope to do), and I plan to reference it frequently! (Another pro of this method is that it’s way faster to revisit than a lengthy journal entry, though I’ll still do that too.)
Far less woo-woo, but I also made a shortlist of restaurants/ shows/ experiences that I’ve been really wanting to go to (separate from my long list, because believe me—I have one of those too!). I’m hoping this helps me prioritize and be more proactive about getting to try them in the new year!
Do you have any practices you like to do around the New Year? Goal-setting? Dry Jan? Resolutions? Deep cleans? Let’s discuss!
Wishing you all your happiest year yet!!!